Orders can be picked up at our office located in Richmond Hill, Ontario. Once you receive a confirmation email that your order is ready for pickup, you have 20 business days to pick it up. Once this timeframe is exceeded, you will be contacted before we issue a full refund for your order. If you will be picking up outside of this timeframe for any reason and do not want to lose your order or have any questions about pickup, please contact:
647-910-5999 ext. 238
Delivery Service:
Orders that are not selected to be picked up at the office will be shipped using one of our trusted delivery partners. You will receive a shipment notification once your order has left our warehouse which will include the delivery service used as well as a tracking number that can be used to track your package. If there is an issue regarding your shipment (e.g. incorrect address, special instructions, etc.) please contact us immediately. The recipient at the time of delivery must be of legal age. For all delivery inquiries please contact:
647-910-5999 ext. 238
Please note during holiday periods/high-order volume periods, shipping times may be delayed