New year, new you!
January is a month of motivation, goals are being created, efforts are high, moods are positive. A fresh start to the year, comparable to Mondays, which are a fresh start to the week. It’s the perfect time to organize your goals for the week, list tasks to be completed, errands that need to be run, and what you want to do for your personal well-being and growth. Planning is the key to success. Having a plan is having a clear vision of your end goal, and acting on your plan is crucial to making efforts to reach that goal. Tunnel vision! It’s hard to get out of the “holiday mood” and back to reality, but now is the time to hit the ground running!
Big goals, small goals, all goals are important. An important goal everyone should have is to maintain good posture throughout the day. Especially when you are stuck at an office working all day, everyday. It’s easy to slouch and get into a comfortable position that may not be the most beneficial to your health. Good posture keeps the bones and joints in the correct alignment so that muscles are being used properly. Using muscles efficiently will help strengthen your core, and prevent fatigue or strain. It takes about 30-60 days to establish a good posture routine – being consistent is key. The most effective and easiest way to improve your posture is standing, or utilizing ergonomic furniture in your workspace.
Multitasking is the secret to using your time wisely in today’s fast paced environment. Practice good posture while getting your work done for the day. Stand up or sit up straight!
We hope everyone enjoyed their holidays and are ready to get back into work mode!